Red Owl Academy

    "Wisdom Begins in Wonder" - Socrates

Our Philosophy

Red Owl Academy was created to bring a fresh and modern approach to early childhood education with a strong emphasis on the importance of organizational skills in the first few years of a child’s life. We believe if these skills are acquired from an early age, the child will be equipped with the most important tools needed to build a successful life.
Be Responsible

“To be human is, precisely, to be responsible”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Be Curious

“Curiosity in children is but an appetite after knowledge”
John Locke

Be Happy

“Happiness springs from doing good & helping others”

"Education is the movement from darkness to light."
- Allan Bloom

Here at the Red Owl Academy we foster education from the earliest times

How we do it

Red Owl Academy provides a structured, loving environment for children aged 3, 4 and 5. Developmentally appropriate sensory, motor, perceptual and language skills are introduced through materials and hands-on learning activities. To accomplish this goal, we teach to the abilities of each child so that they all can feel capable and successful. The learning process at Red Owl Academy is the immediate reflection of the world community to help children become caring, respectful and active members of society.

Explore More

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
-Benjamin Franklin


We Happily Invite You To Contact Us for a Tour

(845) 848-2407